Hello, my son is 6 months old, was delivered at 35 wks due to IUGR & Placental Abruption. He has a large deep cavernous hemangioma on his right cheek, is anemic, has a heart murmmer, not gaining weight (gained 7 ounces btwn 4 & 6month wcc), has a deep crease at the top rear part of his head, never sleeps, has strange folds at the top of both ears. Was hospitalized for severe jaundice first week of life. Dr says he "may have GERD" put him on Prevacid 1x daily, also Iron drops 2x daily, Mylecon gas drops every 2-3 hours. Could he have a syndrom? What type of questions should I ask his new doctor? Is Propanolol a safe treatment for a small baby? What would your opinion be given his history? Im desperate to get him well!