I have heard that taking an anti depressant has so many risks, and i don t know if the risks out weigh the benefits...I had recently watched a documentary about anti-depressants, and how they don t work without the use of some kind of benzo, such as klonopin, and the drug companies, which whom this person did work for, as a sales rep for a very big pharmacutical co. said it was all about them making the big money, and getting this new anti-depessant in Drs hands, and of course the free samples helps that... She had mentioned that using a type of benzo with your anti-depressant was the only way a person can make any head way with their anxiety, mood swings, depression...etc. This was an reputable documentary series, my question is why must they put a person thru all these different kinds of meds? When the patient definitely knows what they need and what works for them. Why do we have to play the Ginny pig ? My son is subscribed klonopin and he s also on suboxone...the two do not interact with him or the way the indications say they may..I don t know, I ll try her remeron for as long as it takes to (supposedly) see a difference. We have just started on the program of anti-depressants, and I guess I ll be waiting to see what, if any side effects happen