Hi, I am 27,male. 23 days ago, I was with a sex worker. She gave me unprotected oral sex, then genital to genital rubbing (directly her labia, against my penis) and afterwards put condom on, we had protected vaginal intercourse. According to what i read on this forum there are two risky activities that i ve involved: unprotected oral sex and genital rubbing. Oral sex and rubbing sessions were rather brief like 1-2 minutes for each. There were no visible sores or cuts around her mouth nor around her genitals. While rubbing,her labia has contacted the tip, urethra and shaft of my penis. Afterwards, there wasnt large amount of vaginal fluid on my penis, lets say it was moist. So far there are not any symptoms of anykind. Could you please evaluate my situation in terms of HIV and other STDs. Thanks in advance.