I am 49 yrs old, diabetic and hypothyroid ,and BP. TVS :uterus bulky.endometrium measures 2.2cm,is thick & echo genie.one dilated endocervical gland. Both ovaries are of normal size & morphlogy. Trans abdominal scan performed: uterus bulky.both ovaries are of normal size & morphology. In Jan 2014. D&C done in February 2013:diagnosis, Disorderly proliferative endometrium.endometrial glands are oval,elongated while at places cystic ally dilated glands are also noted lined by pseudo stratified epithelium.Mitosis is also noted,surrounding stromatolites is compacted while at places appears spindly and loose.no evidence of granuloma or malignancy is seen in section examined. Results of test February 2014: HBA1C. 5.8.serum TSH: 1.669. Hb: 15.3 blood test ,electrolytes , lipid profile, normal..my doctor has advised TAH & BSO.please advice,is it necessary,am scared of surgery.