This is Jill Behnfeldt - Initial Contact 12-8-2013 Images available also have lost my cervical spine curve. And have a 3mm herniation at C3-C4. And I have awakened to a numb right ARM, from Elbow to fingers - but resolved in less than 24 hours. I can control my occipital headaches by controlling my neck movement. Only medical treatment is Tylenol 500 mg I take 4000 mg daily. My cervical MRI is available at the same facility as my Thoracic MRI and Lumbar MRI - I signed a waiver so any physician can request them. Thank you very much. Symptoms include occipital headaches, Microvascular Ischemia - per Neurology at Univ of Toledo in 2009, I have most lesions in Centrum Semiovale and PONs areas. I do not have memory issues, nor am I having dizzy spells too frequently. Maybe monthly at the moment. YYYY@YYYY