I recently began taking Valtrex for prevention of HSV I outbreaks. I have taken in the past for 5 days while having an outbreak, but never daily for preventative measures. 2 Weeks ago I got a rash on my hip that was so bad it became cellulitic. My physician was afraid of MRSA due tot he swelling, and tunneling to groin. So I began heavy antibiotics, within 48 hours swelling was going down and blistering had stopped. However within 5 days i got another rash on my elbow, 2 days later my face, and now bilateral wrist. My dermatologist took a culture yesterday. I am waiting results to rule out a staph infection. He prescribed me a cream to apply and I am on another 10 days of bactrim. This rash on my hand that developed today hurts. My primary told me to stop the Valtrex in concern it is a drug reaction. Good thing is I have not had an out break. Can Valtrex cause these rashes that now seem to be out of contol