Thank you for your query.
your concern is absolutely valid.
Bumps may occur from various tissues in the body. From bone, tendons/ligament, muscle, fatty tissue and skin.
Those that grow in size needs to be seen by your physician. I recommend you see him asap. The origin of the bump , it's characteristics and contents and development will need to be evaluated. they may also examine if you have bumps elsewhere in your body.
causes include prior trauma, too much
stress on the bone, obesity, certain metabolic disturbances, genetic predisposition
you may need to have some imaging studies done to assess it (
ultrasound, CT,
Biopsy ( removal of the lump or part of it) to see the tissue type and any abnormality, may be required. The latter, if necessary will a up to a week for the results to arrive. you might just need to be off you feet for a day or two
in addition to some pain relief ( as prescribed)
if it is a simple lump without any invading characteristics (spreading or destroying adjacent tissue structures) , in other words, benign ,and it is doesn't cause you any discomfort, you may be given the option of leaving it alone or removing it for cosmetic reasons. that is , till it stays the way it is. If there is any change- back to the doctor for a reassessment.
Hope,I've helped you out. please get back to us if you need further clarification.
wish you good health