1. a bite wound
abscess form when the body is unable to get rid of ongoing infection, inflammation and will cause a painful lump at the bite site which will require antibiotics and possible surgical intervention [cosmetic].
PS. since the mouth of animal(s) have population of bacteria thus bite wounds are more predisposed to abscess formation.
2. It is the function of immune system to clear the body of infection and since he is a kid it is possible that the impaired Immunity has resulted in collection of inflammatory cells,bacteria and damaged tissues.
3. In this case, veterinarian will puncture the pus pocket with a sterile needle to obtain sample of pus to identify the pathogen in abscess by submitting the sample to a microbiology laboratory for culture and sensitivity test.
4. One of the biggest concerns with bite wounds is the spread of
rabies, hopefully your doctor must have completed anti rabies
5. As far as treatment is concerned, antibiotics to fight infection along with surgical
drainage is initiated which helps the infectious material to come out from the pus pocket and later drain is removed so that healing takes place.