When I had my son 17 months ago, 6 weeks after the c-section I got EXTREME abdominal pains in the middle right area. On day two of the pain and being able to function I went to the walk in clinic in our area. My stomach so so sensitive I could not stand for anything to touch it. The doctor said that i had a stomach infection, gave me a pain injection and sent me on my way. He stated that I would be feeling better by the time I arrived home 45 mins. away. It did not help, 2 days later the pain subsided. Randomly the pain comes and goes. It will take me to my knees and last minutes sometimes hours and maybe even a day or so. Sept last year I was on vacation and went to the bathroom with no urge for a bowel movement and when I went to wipe the toilet tissues was full of bright red new blood. I immediately assumed that I had begun my cycle till closer inspection led me to see that the toilet bowl was red and it was coming from the rectum, still not pain in that area. This happened twice in a matter of a few months and then hasn't until tonight. Let me add that for theh last 2 days I have noticed stops in my underwear and when I wipe. The pain has still been vary random and very painful tonight was one of those horrible pains and when I went to urinate, again the toilet bowl was full, the toilet paper was cover and even my underclothes were saturated with blood. I am a 24 White Fem. Married. I have not let my husband in on anything. Does this sound like a simple stomach infection or should I seek futher care?