Hi there, I have understood your concern and I will suggest you the best possible treatment options.
First of all do not panic.
In my opinion, there is nothing to worry about the stopped
vaginal discharge.
Unless, there is any blood like or blood stained discharge, you need not worry.
This discharge is usually due to increased secretions from glands of the
cervix. It is natural and not harmful to
As per your history, I will suggest you to get USG done before completing 12 weeks of pregnancy a routine chromosome anomaly scan. Thai will also ensure you about the growth and development of the baby.
Please opt for a healthy diet and regular exercise regimen. Include more portions of fruits, vegetables and salads in daily diet. Regular intake of
Folic acid and vitamin B 12 supplements is advisable.
Be happy.
Meditate regularly.
The things will be fine in the due course of time.
May God bless you with a bundle of Joy.
I hope this answer helps you.
Dr. Purushottam Neurgaonkar