My father has been diagnosed with throat cancer for over a year now, at the start of 2013 he had radiotherapy and chemotherapy, he then had to undergo an operation where they cut down the side from just below his ear down to about his shoulder in the hope that they would cut it all out. In September last year he was given the all clear and told he'd been cured and the cancer had gone. However, he still couldn't eat properly and was in constant pain. He's been into the hospital numerous times since and on Christmas day he was told that it had returned and this time due to his body being too weak and how skinny he now is he needs another operation. He's going back into hospital Sunday 5th January where they are now going to remove his voice box and throat so their going to take a muscle and skin from his neck and rebuild him a new throat which means he'll have a tracheostomy and won't be able to talk and has to breathe through his neck.
He's only had a week to understand this all, should I postpone it and seek other doctors for their opinions on it? It seems extremely drastic and very short notice about something which will affect the rest of his life.
Please help me and tell me if there's any other ways around this or alternate methods, he's willing to go through what ever pain in order to keep his speech. Please help me it's extremely urgent
Thank you so much, I'm just desperate to find an alternate method rather than him possibly dying or being in hospital for 2 months.
Thank you