Hello... I am having a hard time deciding on the correct Bariatric surgery. I currently have the lap band and have had it for 10yrs. It was never successful for me. After much research, I decided to have it taken out. When I approached a bariatric surgeon to discuss the removal of the band, he offered me the option of having a revision, converting to either gastric by-pass or gastric sleeve. I first thought I would prefer the sleeve, but the surgeon thinks the by-pass is the best option for me because of possible scar tissue from the band. He was very kind and explained throughly the pros and cons of both procedures. It seems to make much more sense to do the by-passs, but I guess I am just a little gun shy because It seems like a much bigger procedure and I don’t want another failure like I have had with the lap band. I need help deciding on which surgery would be best for me. I would love to hear your input on which lap-band revision might be the best. Thank you, scaredy-cat