I'm in my third year of law school so I have an extreme amount of stress in my life at the moment. I am also overweight, 30 year old. My problem is that I have blood in between my periods for the last three months. The blood is not brown, it is red, with some little clots, like regular period blood. It doesnt hurt, I dont have period cramps. I'm probably dehyrdrated, I know that. I eat pretty healthy though. I also have a lot of stress in my upper back near my neck, like I am sore and can't shake it all the time. I feel really tired. I'm not getting enough sleep. I know 90 percent of this is stress related, but what worries me is the blood because that has never happened before, there also is some breast tenderness, but I know I'm not pregnant. I also know it is not STDs. Any ideas to help me narrow it down?