i have been diagnosed with CLL chronic Lymphatic Leukemia. the protocol which has been suggested to me is Chemo with Rituximab and Bendamustine.I am Female, 81+ in good health, eat properly, do not drink or smoke, hardly ever any illnesses but this last pronouncement. I ended up in Hosp. in late Nov. with Kidney stones, whereby they found the abnormally high WBC, which dramatically increased sine August 2015. I would much prefer NOT to have Chemo, as the prognosis is only a 4-6 year gain....... However I need to do something to raise my RBC and I might add that at some time my spleen had an infarct. Why? I was not hit or had an accident, I sneezed and that s when I felt something in that area.Any suggestions? How can I heal my spleen and is CLL cureable, all readings have been negative to that extent.Many Thanks,Donny Redding