Sorry to heard about your condition.
You have
cardiomyopathy with LVEF 20%.
There are various causes for cardiomyopathy, most common is after
myocardial infarction ie.
heart attack it should be ruled out with coronary angioraphy.
In case of cardiomyopathy for optimal functioning of heart certain habits are important
1. Daily fluid intake- daily water intake should be restricted upto approximately 1lit care should be taken to avoid
dehydration in summer.
2. Salt intake it should be restricted up to 4 - 5 gram per day.
3. Exertion physical activity should be restricted.
Certain important medications are necessary in cardiomypathy as in your case
1. diuretics it removes extra water from body through urine.
2. ACEI/ ARBs these are cardiac modulators and also used to lower BP.
3. B Blockers these medicines control
heart rate and Oxygen demand of heart.
4. Some other types of diuretics called potassium sparing diuretics they are cardiac modulators and also prevents loss of potassium due to use of other diuretics.
Need for Defibrillator is depend on
Cause of cardiomyopathy
ECG changes or Holter monitoring/ Electrophysiological study.
Episodes of syncope ie. sudden black outs.
Signs of fluid retention.
In your case Intra Cardiac Defibrillator may be advisable as LVEF 20%