welcome to our site
read your query
that is a very significant question
and i appreciate your problem
i will try my best to answer your query
magnesium is known to cause diarrhea
it is one of the most common medicine used
especially for acidity (heard of digene?)
this side effect is not very common
but is known
as are other side effects like nausea
and vomiting
however with
abdominal pain and loose stools
i don't think we can just leave it at side effects
i think the possibility of
gastroenteritis should be ruled out
and you may need antibiotics
since you are pregnant
i would suggest you meet your obstetrician
because medicines can hurt the baby
a complete haemogram and stool routine would be useful tests
i hope this helps you
inform the reports mentioned above (if any)
so i can be of help further
best of luck
(please do understand that some problem remains as
online texting cuts down history and examination
thereby reducing the effect and efficiency
and increases reliance on tests)