Dear Sir, I am 42 yr old . I travelled Dubai in last week of OCT 13. I had unprotected oral sex in massage parlour of Patya on 27th OCT’13. I had touched her vaginal part(around) through our tongue. In that time I did not felt any things on my tongue. But after some time (around 30 min), I felt some sticky lubricant on my tongue. Immediately I washed my tongue with warm water. It was hardly two or three min. I had not any vaginal sex or full intercourse. After 30 days on 25th NOV suddenly I felt tasteless mouth/dry mouth, after two three days also feeling Night sweating, also feeling some burning, inflammation or tingling on left side of tongue around two moth up to 25th JAN’2014. I was also not feeling well, and one small cold sore also appeared in the corner of left lips for three/ four. I also not sleep comfortably in night and awoke up in midnight or any time. Tasteless mouth and night sweating are being continued from 25th of Nov’13 to till date (more than 60days). After that I am in very tension with anxieties and had not HIV test due to fear of future. Have I got infected with HIV or not ? Pl advise and help.