I have congestive heart failure. I take medication for it, and I don t drink, smoke or use drugs. I walk at least ten miles per day and my diet is pretty good. I have been losing weight and continue to do so. Three months ago I moved from Copper Mountain, Colorado, elevation 9,600 feet above sea level to El Paso, Texas which is under 4,000 feet above sea level. My heart was in critical condition when I was diagnosed with the disease six years ago, and my ejection fraction was 25%. Last year it was up to 45%. I feel that the lower altitude has made breathing easier, and probably puts less strain on my heart. I am a 42 year old male. I am wondering if there is a chance that I could beat heart failure? What would you say my life expectancy is, based on my stats and diagnosis? Thank you for your time. -Andrew Finley