hi, For past 3-4 months I was having occasional mild stomach pain towards lower left abdomen. It was in the afternoon (breakfast + lunch) and I used to have stomach bloating with gas. However, after 2 months back the stomach bloating & gas has receded but I had bit yellow concentrated urine and weakness in legs. I got a LFT and the billurubin level is 1.8 (0.4 - 1.2) and the abdomen ultrasound indicated mild fatty liver. I used to have a very pale yellow stool for the past few months. I consulted a gastroenterologist and he didn t even look into the reports until I told him about the findings. He doesn t think of any issue with my stomach, but have given me some 3 tablets to take for 5 days and go for a endoscopy after that if it doesn t recede(need to tell that this is a money making hospital, almost everyone has endoscopy prescribed who visits the gastro dept.). At the same time I consulted homeopathy doctor (family doc from since I was 5 yrs old, I am 26 now) and I took his prescription. After a week, I went for a urine and blood test and the bilirubin has dropped to 1.5. Moreover I don t have weakness in my legs and lightheadedness and the stomach pain. Only I have a bit of bloating and gas in the evening still. Do I need to go for an endoscopy to clear-out any doubts ?