I have gone through your query and can understand your concern...
Elevation of liver enzyme(SGOT & SGPT are liver function test & can be elevated in number of conditions as follow
1. Most common causes of severe elevation of liver enzymes is
acute viral hepatitis. Hepatitis A,B,are common in this regard.
2. Mild to moderate elevations of these tests is common in FATTY LIVER, caused by
alcohol abuse. Other causes of fatty liver include
diabetes mellitus and obesity.
Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C are other causes of chronic mild to moderate liver enzyme elevation.
4.Many medications can be responsible for increase in the liver enzyme such an overdose of
acetaminophen and many other medicines
5. Liver function test may also be elevated in other infection unrelated to liver such as typhoid.
6.Profound liver damage inflicted by toxins
7.Prolonged collapse of the circulatory system can also cause increase in these tests.
So you should visit your physician for referral
Hoping your query is solved.
get well soon.