Hi, My doctor said I might have a blighted ovum after viewing the vaginal ultrasound the tech took. The tech spent less than a minute with me and told me that my uterus was tilted, that there was a 5 w 4 d normal gestational bag, and that I needed to come in for a second u/s. The tech said that it was either a chemical pregnancy or that even if things were off by a couple of days...the follwing u/s could be normal. Later that evening my Dr. called and said she was highly concerned because there was no visible yolk sac or fetal pole, but to keep taking my prenatal vitiamins and we would see (my progesterone measured at 17,7 and hcg 20,000 the day of 1st u/s). Since then my very sore breasts are not really tender anymore, but HPT still read positive. My question is does 7 weeks gestational and 5 week fetal pregnant always show a yolk sac/ fetal pole even with a titled uterus? Do tender breasts sometimes fade. I have still been tired, but not sure if it is depression/ stress from the possible m/c, have had constipation, gas, and diahrrea, indegestion, frequent urination and some nausea. I have read that sometimes women with tilted uterues do not show normal fetus/heartbeat until 10-12 weeks? I am 35 year old healthy female...trying for our first baby.