Hallow Dear,
You are yet to miss your period. Hence, there is no indication that you suspect
pregnancy. The first cardinal symptom of early pregnancy is missing a period; the remaining cardinal symptoms (including
frequent urination, nausea & vomiting with pica and breast symptoms) appear about 8-10 after missing period.
It is but natural that you are worried about pregnancy since you were irregular in your birth control pills. It is likely that your gastrointestinal symptoms and breast tenderness are due to the effects of pills.
Acute pains in the abdomen and back associated with frequent scanty urination are suggestive of urinary infection. Due to the urinary tubes dilatation (pelvis of the kidney and ureters) effect of
Progesterone, urinary infection is a known complication while on OC pills.
Please get your urine examined. If there is any evidence of infection, submit the urine for culture and sensitivity which will identify the causative organisms and the antibiotics to which they are sensitive. Accordingly, appropriate antibiotics may be started. Please report to your Gynaecologist and/or
Meanwhile, drink plenty of water.
Barley water helps in such conditions.
I hope this helps you in this condition.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri