Hi, I am from Darjeeling and my brother who is around at the age of 38 is suffering from pancreatic disease is going on medical treatment at Mitra Nursing Home, Siliguri, Darjeeling, State: West Bengal under Dr. Sudip Nath, MD DnB, supervision but there is appx. 30% improvement and the Dr. is not sure whether he can treat him totally or not. So, I would like to know is there any hospital and Doctor available at Vellore for this treatment? Please let me know as soon as possible along with the address, name of the Hospital and Doctor. Is it too costly for this treatment..? Please Please help me... I am in badly need of this information. My name is Kisan Rai and email: keysons@yahoo.com Patient Name: Ishwar Rai Age: 39 Addition: Nothing... Never took alchole and smoking. Thanks