when my baby was 5 months old i got bananthi sanni as i was not knowing about this i had been admitted to a hospital and there they gave 5 bottles of I.V and i got thyroid at that time after 3 days they discharged me from the hospital now i am in 8 month can you please suggest how should i go about it. currently i am taking eltroxin 50mg + homeopathy medicine for thyroid and ayurvedic treatment for sanni. With all these things, even now, I keep feeling there is something filled in my right portion of head, some times even in my left portion of the head. I feel like nerves are getting pulled. Even I feel some thing (water?) filled in my right portion of the face. When I was in hospital doctors said that I have acute sinusitis and migrane.
Is this curable? If yes, how should I go about it? Please suggest.