Anemia is a medical condition in which blood
hemoglobin comes down. Normal level of hemoglobin in blood is 12 – 14 gram in female and 12 – 16 gram in male. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in parts of the body. So any deficiency will affect oxygen carrying capacity of blood resulting in less oxygen supply to different body parts. Cause of anemia is also to be investigated. In your case, low hemoglobin is due to blood loss during period. Cause of excessive blood loss during
menstruation must be investigated. Unless the cause is corrected, your hemoglobin might not increase or rather it may decrease further.
Ferrous sulfate tablet – one tablet twice daily (Brand name – Autrin, Dexorange)
Folic acid 5 mg (Tablet Folvite) – one tablet daily
3. Take high fiber diet to prevent
constipation due to iron such as pure wheat bread, green vegetable, fruits like apple
4. Consult your gynecologist for searching cause of heavy blood loss during mense
5. Avoid strenuous activity
6. Investigations – Hb%, serum TSH, serum T4, USG abdomen