Hi, im 28yrs/Male. i had physical relationship with commercial worker where the latex got broke and i immediately removed and changed to new latex. within 4days i got fever and test negative of HIV I & II,VDRL,HSBAG and HSV-II as 0.32 which was also negative. by the time found a genital wart and got that reduced with the help of imiquad as advised by my dermatologist cum venerologist. later i found burns on the opposite skin i.e. on the groins with whitish fulid in and around the same. i also had fever during the time, as my venerologist was out of station, my general physician kept me on SURFACE onintment dolo 650 for fever and the burns started reducing. later my venerologist told to stop SURFACE as he kept me on T-bact oinment which also reduced the burns. Simultaneousely without any pain i found the nerve on the groin on red color. then i found few white glands around the burns, which my venerologist confirms only glands and nothing else. Later i had nerve pulls all over the body mostly in the left brain, which my neurologist confirms normal symtomps of nerve compression and nothing else. As the fever started again, i had few injections and blood test, etc. Now i found my WBC count as 5300 as against 9400 my last month. similarly my platelets are 2.11 current aginst 2.83 last month, polymorphs as 73% curent as against 46% last month. Moreover i told my sugar level on random is 179 as against 92 last month. now my heart beat / pulse rate is varrying without timely found reasons. Kindly advice me that all the above changes are because of asymptomatic actions of herpes. Kindly do the needful at the earliest as im worried the most.