Hi, can I answer your health question? Please type your question here...I got married 2011 may and no issue, so 2012 dec my doctor advice on hydrotubulation process i.e to be sure my fallopian tubes were not blocked as she explained, which I did Jan 2013 and she placed me on clomide citrate. And to God be the glory I took in February and had my baby boy Nov. So May 2014 I decided to go for a family planning so she advise on copper T form which I did, but I had infection around May 2015 and was treated but after a while it will go and still come back. It was like that for months and my doctor advice it might be d coil I m wearing so I got it removed last year,23rd Nov and it stopped. now expecting another pregnancy. Do I ve to go through d hydrotubulation process again or what can I do.