Hello Ali and welcome to HCM.
As an
Urologist, i do share your concern.
You should've done the
semen analysis, after 2-3 days of abstinence.
Pus cells of 8-10/hpf, is suggestive of infection. You'll need to take a course of antibiotics, for at least 7 days.
Ciprofloxacin /Septran/
Nitrofurantoin are routinely advised.If you've fever,semen culture, should also be done.In case, you're referring to motility(activity),then grade I- 65%, is considered as normal.For that clarification,refer to the semen analysis again.To confirm semen is free of infection,repeat analysis,after 3 weeks.
For an expert opinion, on the report, send it to me,as a direct question.
Dr.Matthew J. Mangat.