Hello and thank you for using HCM.
I carefully read your question and I understand your concern but you should not worry.
I must explain you that most of people using this medication do not have serious side effects. The main side effects of
pravastatin are :muscle problems like pain, weakness, confusion or memory problems in a very small number of people. In this cases you have to talk with your doctor.
Difficulties in breathing its not known as a side effect, eccept the cases when we have a serious
allergic reaction to this drug that manifests with itching, swelling of face, tongue, throat and difficulties in breathing. But this is not your case. In a very small number pravastatin might give gastrointestinal problems like stomach/
abdominal pain, nausea but we have to judge between good effects and side effects.
If take minimum 4 weeks for pravastatin to give its full effect. Know, after 6 weeks you can check your
cholesterol and
triglyceride level but you should not stop taking this medicine.When you have the results you can consult the doctor for the dose of pravastatin, but not stop it.
Hope I was helpful. Wish you good health.
Best regards.