my 2 year old son had a low grade fever that would spike to 103-104 at least twice a week for the past month. After his WBC read 19 his pediatrician gave him a shot of rocephin, two days later his wbc was the same and he got another then had a chest x-ray that came back clear. That still didn t help so he was put on oral anibiotics of 1000mg per day. Now it has been 1 month and his lymphnodes on both sides of his neck and his groin are swollen, this started at the end of the antibiotics. They have been swollen for 2 weeks with no signs of going down. Through all of this he had extensive blood work tested and I am starting to doubt the competence of the pediatricians results. Here is the result of the metabolic panel: Protein 6.8 Albumin 3.6 (L) Calcium 9.8 Sodium 138 (L) Potassium 4.4 Chloride 103 COZ 22 BUN 5 (L) Creatine .4 Glucose Nonfast 85 ALK Phosphatse 230 AST 45 (H) ALT 23 Total Bilirubin .1 (L) Here is the CBC W/Manual Diff: WBC 19.7 (H) Red Blood Cell 4.60 Hemoglobin 12.2 Hematocrit 36.7 MCV 79.8 MCH 26.5 MCHC 33.2 Platelet Count 359 MPV 6.1 (L) RDW 14.1 NEUT 66.3 EO .2 BASO .3 LYMPH 23 MONO 10.2 LYMPH Count 4.5 Mono Count 2.0 (H) Neut Count 13 (H) EO Count 0.0 BASO Count .1 DIFF TCTCH Test: RBC Morphology - Normal Platelet Estimate - Adeq Segmented NEUT 58 Lymphocytes 20 Band Neut 13 (H) Monocytes 7 Reactive Lymphs 2 SED Rate 17(H) This blood work was performed after the 2 shots of rocephin. We just had another in office CBC 2 days ago and his WBC is still 12.2, MCH 26.3, MCMH 32.4, LY% 63.7, LY# 7.8. Are we missing anything or should we pursue this further and get a second opinion?