Is it likely I'll die with a heart attack in my sleep? I m in my early 20s, I know no one will know for sure how to answer this question online, but yesterday when I fell asleep in bed straight from work, I dreamt that my heart was beating really fast and the veins in my neck were pumping, and it actually hurt physically. When I woke up, the left side of my chest was really sore and I felt like having palpitations. I ve had those thumping sensations through my veins for several mos now. However tests never confirmed I had a heart problem. So I don t really understand what this could be...perhaps it s just stress, but I don t know why something else tells me it isn t normal? I just want to have an idea what this MIGHT be?? thank u for your answers... Also, just when I m falling asleep (from being awake and fully asleep) some parts of my body jerks...the sort of sudden movement that ressembles being startled... I get that every now and then...I told docs abt this and they said I m just anxious or stressed ...?