Dear Ma'am/Sir, Hi & Welcome.
I appreciate your concern for your beloved daughter.
It is not necessary to shave the head after the recovering from typhoid.
Following any stressful event e.g medical illness like typhoid,
malaria, dengue,
jaundice etc scalp hairs get shift from growth phase (known as anagen) to resting phase (known as telogen). Once hair enters telogen it is going to be subsequently shed over the next 1-3 months which is manifested as increased hair loss & this is referred to as
Telogen effluvium.
Therefore the
hair fall during the period of recovery (convalescence) is very my expected.
There's no need to worry about this as the hairs usually grow back within a few months, and there's no need to shave the head.
Instead, I would suggest her to
Take a healthy, wholesome, nutritious diet.
Take biotin,
vitamin A, Iron & Zinc containing tablets.
Use almond oil in scalp to improve texture of hairs.
Hope the suggestions given above would be useful to her.