Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
According to your last menstrual period - LMP, you would be 7 weeks plus pregnant on the 22nd of February.
By that time, you would be able to see a gestational (
pregnancy ) sac with a fetus ( embryo ) and a heartbeat ( cardiac activity ) within it.
Also please make sure that the scan was done transvaginally, and not transabdominally.
Transabdominal scans have very poor resolution and visualization.
So if it was done through the abdomen, belly fat would obscure the details.
It is best to have it repeated transvaginally.
If you have a history of irregular cycles or delayed cycles, you can wait and watch for a week and then repeat the scan.
Meanwhile take rest, avoid
stress and intercourse.
Take regular
folic acid supplements.
If you do not have any pain / cramping / spotting / bleeding, there is no cause for concern.
All the best
Take care.