Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
It is not normal to have so many symptoms like nausea, vomiting, loose stools, reflux with
heartburn, weakness and
All these symptoms suggest that you have some gastrointestinal problem that is causing all these problems.
Hence I would advise you the following:
Consult your Doctor to get a clinical evaluation and examination.
Get started on symptomatic treatment with a PPI like
Domperidone, antacids; antibiotic for the loose stools if infection is suspected, probiotics and see the results.
If not much of a relief get an appointment for a Gastroenterologist, investigations like Upper GI
Endoscopy, tests of blood, stool and urine to get a better idea and get an additional management.
Watch for the foods and beverages that enhance or instigate the problems and stop these altogether.
Avoid stress and anxiety as these add on all the symptoms.