My baby is 19 months and bumped his head on the edge of the window sill 6 weeks ago, he cried for a few minutes afterwards and went back to playing and acted normal. No change in sleeping patterns or feeding patterns. A week after the accident he spit up about a mouthful of his milk after his morning feeding twice, which is rare for him. But since then he has been acting normal and his motor and language skills are still improving. However, the bump on his head is still there and you can see a little dimple right below the bump when he frowns, the bump is not obvious otherwise. But when you feel the bump, it is still there and a little hard. It does not seem to bother him at all, when you rub it, he does not hurt either. Is this normal? For the bump to take so long to heal? But then when he gets a mosquito bite it takes about two months for the skin discoloration to go away completely, so does he just take longer to heal compared to the typical kid?