Hi, i have son, 4,5 years old. About 1,5 years ago, i found one lymph node at the right side of his neck. Then by the time, it became 3. The size of these nodes has enlarged. The last time i checked to pediatrician, the size was 1,5 cm. Our doctor also did the PPD (Test skin for TB), and he measured and result induration was 15mm. Then we also had a quantiferon test, result is positif, point is 66 (if i m not wrong). He had done an x ray, which taken from side and there is an infiltrat. But our doctor said all are normal and it s not TB. The 3 nodes still at the same size until today. I m still confused as all the result actually was really said normal. But Doctor said it s ok. What should i do? is it really normal in toddler? For your info, his height is 110 cm, weight 18,8 kg. He is healthy, eat a lot although skinny, active. Thanks before