I had a miscarriage and D & C on March 27, 2016. I had light bleeding for two days post. Then nothing until April 20th, bled like a first day of a period for just that one day. April 30 through May 4th I had a heavy period, especially the second, third days with clotting. June 2 through June 8 had another period. This time it was horrific bleeding for the first three days. Then tapered off like a normal period. June 17th one day of light bleeding. June 28th one day moderate bleeding, next day an onslot of bleeding, going through several Super tampons and switched to pads with clots the size of a half dollar. Cramping severely. The next day not much lighter. Is it normal to have such heavy periods after a D & C? If so, how long before I should expect periods of my traditional caliber to return?