I felt a crawling sensation on my left hip and thought it must be a clothing label. I removed the label and the sensation continued. Later I felt that there actually was a worm under my skin as it moved rather rapidly up the left side of my back to the bone under the shoulder. I began trying to kill it by pressing hard over it. What I saw under my skin appeared as a 2 or 3 inch black thread . I had to get my husband to help. He pressed hard, and I eventually had him literally hit the area as hard as he could repeatedly. I finally felt no more movement, but had a very red, painful area caused by the friction on my back caused by the heavy beating , etc. I am 79 and recently was on my knees planting a lot of flowers and wonder if something could have gotten under my skin somehow. I don t swim, play sports, have good hygiene, etc. I am baffled by this, and also concerned that I have a dead worm under my skin. This happened just after midnight June 20. Can you help, and is their a charge?