Diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy is not possible at this stage as such. You should instead go for serum hormone tests and get it confirmed.Next is an ultrasound test for the same. Do report back to your gynec.
The u/s didn´t show an ectopic pregnancy. When i asked my gynec. why i don´t have my period since ovulation occured he answered that probably the 2 follicles we saw on the u/s were absorbed. Is this possible? Maybe i should have done a Pregnyl shot to help the follicles travel to the tubes for the fertilisation? Dr. said that i didn´t need the Pregnyl shot since ovulation occured only with Ova-mit. Did he made a mistake?
At the moment i am taking Primolut Nor to get my period and then on the 3rd day i will start with the Puregon. A lot of pills and drugs that make me tired, anxious, nervous and sensitive... What is your opinion about Vitex which is herbal?