I am confused about my latest thyroid tests. I was diagnosed with Hashimotos in April 2013. I took Synthroid 25mcg, then 50 mcg until my TSH came down to 2.5 but I still had symptoms even though my TSH was in the normal range. I switched doctors in october and new doc put me on Naturethroid 65 mcg (which is like Armour and is dessicated thyroid hormone both T3 and T4.. In Dec I had symptoms of Hyperthyroid, palpitations, jitteriness, anxiety, insomnia, etc. blood work showed I am hyperthyroid. one month later, still off the meds and my symptoms are even worse. January 10 blood test had an extremely low TSH .005 and my T4 and T3 both high. The doctor said this was not due to the new medication because it was too low of a dose to produce these results. TSI high, TRab high, TGAb high, TPOAB high. Is it possible to have both Graves and Hashimotos?