Hi & Welcome.
I can understand your problem of enlarged breast (gynecomastia).
Incomplete data like any history of drug intake, any medical illness, or associated symptoms.
Most cases of gynecomastia regress over time without treatment.
However, if gynecomastia is caused by an underlying condition, such as hypogonadism, malnutrition or cirrhosis, or breasts greater than 4 cm in diameter may need treatment. If you are taking medications (Cimetidine or
Spironolactone) that can cause gynecomastia, stopping them or substituting another medication will solve the problem.
You need to consult a physician or
endocrinologist for proper evaluation and the treatment which may involve the following drugs:
Tamoxifen, an estrogen antagonist, is found to be effective if taken for 3 months for the non
surgical treatment of gynecomastia.
Nausea and epigastric discomfort are the main adverse effects.
Other less commonly used drugs include Danazol, which inhibits pituitary secretion of LH and
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which decreases estrogen synthesis from the testicles. Adverse effects include weight gain, acne,
muscle cramps, fluid retention, nausea, and abnormal liver function test results.
Hope the suggestions given above could be useful.