I was wondering if you have any suggestions about unprescribed clomid. My fiancé and I Have been trying to conceive for about 5months now. And even though we were not trying to before we also were not using any type of b.c including condoms. Now that we are trying trying, I was inquiring about help with this process, to a) make it go faster and b) I don't think I can do it on my own anway. My family is extremely fertile, and I mean extremely! My mother has 6 kids, my father has 2 without having to try hard at all with either my mom or father. It goes back like this in the genes of my family and also my fiance's aswell. His grandfather has 11 kids. So the question here basically is, is it safe to take unprescribed clomid to help hurry this along, or is there a better way that you know of or even maybe something like clomid but safer?? Please help and thank you SO very much for your time.