my son is 16 and he has been put on fluoxetine 20mg lovan then the doctor put the tablets up to 40 mg, now this doctor has taken him of this tablets on Wednesday, an Friday , yesterday he seemed fine before school and when I came home from work at 3pm he seemed very quit, just laying on the floor, my granddaughter came around and tried to talk to him and he didn t say any thing to her, she was saying what is wrong with you, when my daughter came to pick Heidi up she was say to her mum there is some thing wrong with Christopher, my son has gone to his dad this weekend. I am worried about this as I can see that he has gone right down, I can see the signs, I haven t slept much, just from worrying about him, I am angry with my self as I have big trust with doctors, and I wont to do the right thing by my son, this doctor told me not to give Christopher these other tables from another doctor, as it could affect him and make him suicidal. now this doctor is going to put him on these other tablets, witch this doctor is saying it could cause him suicidal. I don t know the name of these new tablets. the doctor is say that he has to be off lovan for 7 days, before he can go onto these other tablet, but Christopher will get worse. i don t know what to do