Can understand your concern..
As per your complain Runny nose and
cough are symptoms of
COMMON COLD which is a viral infection..
Amoxicillin is a penicillin group of antibiotic and the antibiotics are effective against the bacteria therefore they are used to treat bacterial infection and are not effective against viruses so if taken during a viral infection they cannot provide relief..
As your daughter has a viral infection amoxicillin doesn't seems relevant in her case..
For relief from common cold symptoms of cough and runny nose can be relieved as the common cold cannot be relieved by
antiviral medicines and only relieving of symptoms can help..
You can give saline nose drops to relieve congestion in nose..
Antihistamines like
benadryl and decongestants like pseudoephadrine in paediatric doses can relieve runny nose and cough..
Cool mist humidifier can be used to provide moist air that can prevent dryness and irritation to nose and throat and can relieve..
Throat lozenges can help..
In case of coughing a good cough syrup for minors can help..
Hope your query is solved..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.