I understand from the background you have given that you have
asthma. Here, your airways tend to over-react to triggers like dust,
cold air, strong odors, smoke, etc. which cause the airways to narrow temporarily. After the triggers are gone, the airway returns to its normal size. But over a long term this repeated narrowing and widening can lead to loss of their "elasticity" and permanent narrowing. Asthma is an airway problem that can be controlled but not cured.
The most important medicines to relieve and control asthma are those that cause widening of the airways and those that prevent permanent damage. In your case they are
Formoterol and
Budesonide respectively (contained in Formonide). Since these medicines act for a maximum of 12 hours you need to take these medicines twice daily EVERY DAY. Together they control your current episode AND prevent further episodes. The dose may be reduced over a period of time if you show good response and withstand reduced dose ONLY IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR PULMONOLOGIST during REGULAR FOLLOW-UP. Regarding side effects - since these medicines are inhaled and taken to the lungs where their action is required, they do not reach other parts of the body in significant amounts to cause significant side effects. When compared to oral and i.v medications used to treat asthma, the inhaled medications are far superior w.r.t their side effect profile.
If you have
allergy of the nose - runny nose,
sneezing the Montelukast-Levocetrizine combination(NecMonto-L) will help. Regarding this your pulmonologist will decide the ideal time to discontinue.