Dark circles are seen if a person is lacking good sleep or any psychiatry problems or may be due to
anemia or
hypothyroidism.Instead of using forte tablets, try to evaluate the underlying problem.
For this , get your
haemoglobin levels, T3,T4,TSH levels have to be checked.
If you have any nutritional related problems or any vitamin deficiencies or if you have decreased haemoglobin levels you can use forte tablets or any iron containing tonics or iron tablets.
But if you have any psychiatry related disorders , try some psychiatry
If you are just lacking sleep, try to sleep a minimum of 8 hours daily.
Unless you find an underlying problem, forte tablets are of minimal use.
If you have normal findings, then you can go for carboxy therapy along with mesoeyes which yields excellent results or you can try Q switched ND yag laser which is also a good option.
Thank you