Hi there and thank you for your question,
I'll try help you where I can concerning your query. I'll help break down the medication into their groups and uses and then discuss any issues from there.
So, Rozat-F is a very good medication used for
high cholesterol. It's the best
statin to use for family inherited high cholesterol levels and is safe to use with
Amaryl and Janumet.
Amaryl and Janumet are used for
glucose control in diabetics. In total they make up 3 separate drugs that work well together. One must just watch that you don't get low glucose levels as the combination can cause this.
Betaone, Telsartan, Cardace and Dilzem are all used to try and control your
hypertension. Where Betaone and Dilzem try to control the rate of your heart, Telsartan and Cardace cause dilatation of the arteries near your kidneys in order to relieve pressure off the heart.
It's not usual practice to combine Telsartan and Cardace as they both have the exact same effect on these arteries albeit slightly different pathways. I would suggest speaking to your doctor to discuss this and maybe just stick to one of them but just adjust the dosage accordingly.
The reason for the
left ventricular hypertrophy would be due to your heart having to pump against high pressures for such a long time that the muscle mass of the ventricle has increased.
I hope this helps and good luck.