HI,I have been trying for pregnancy for last 6 months. I have PCOS. Irregular periods. I get my cycle only after taking progesterone. I was on clomid for 3 cycles. On third cycle when i was on clomid, 1st month 1 pill,2nd 2pills,3rd 3pills. Upon ultra sound, doc found that there were no stimulating follicles and reffered me to a fertility center. I visited fertility specialist, i m little sceptical about the tests and i dint find them decdicated. they just trying to get the money from us which is not covered in our insurance. after unnecessary ultra sound which i had earlier month, he did it again just to check the same, n came up same answer. finally he wanted to do some xray again ultrasound, and then he wud give me clomid again but 4 pills this time. what im thinking is take 4 clomid pills this time, if nothing comes up then i go to specialist and take tests. what do u advice?? family doc has advised me SifasiHp 5000. does sifasi help or clomid with my case?thanks