Hi My Age is 28 F , 5.5 feet height, weight 65 KG. I was having Lung TB whose full dose medicines were taken (8-9 Months) in the year 2009 without dropping single day. Today I am pregnant with 6th months natal. Last month all of sudden my left side neck swallowed for which my MD suggested to go for FNAC and Igm test . Pathologist found Pus in the swallowed part while FNAC test and told that nothing was diagnosed where as Igm test showed that it was TB. I was suggested by Dr. that go for ENT specialist for aspiration which was done 4 days back. Now prescribed medicine for TB (3 Drugs) is running with antibiotic by the Gen. Physician, My Gynec has also prescribed few medicine (She is aware with all the treatment and drugs I am taking) Sir my question is - Is my child in my womb is safe in all manner as i am taking 5-6 drugs (for Tb, Calcium, Iron, Drugs suggested by ENT etc.). Whether i will give birth a healthy Baby ? If you can suggest please mention which drugs i should not take or should take. In the meanwhile if any intercourse is done with husband will it affect him also? Thanks and Regards