i m 30 yr old. i have been tested positive for pregnancy. i saw some bleeding last week, but a TVS said everything was perfect. Yesterday there was a heavier flow, but today my ultrasoud scan revealed everything to be ok. this is my second pregnancy, my first pregnancy was a breeze and the child is now 3.5 yrs old. My blood reports and urine reports say everything is normal. The doc cant find any reason for my bleeding. However she has prescribed endogest 200. but i remember reading that its not meant to be taken during pregnancy, should i go for a second opinion. This is the same gynac i consulted for my previous preg and i am extremely happy with her advices.height: 5ft 4 inches. Weight:61 kgs. I have gained about 1500 gms in the last 8 weeks. My last lmp was 18th april